Consumers have to be part of the process, and that requires effort on both sides, says Splice Software CEO Tara Kelly. Read the whole story
Privacy has become a new buzzword for Google CEO Sundar Pichai, but on Friday it became apparent that the company collects so much more … Read the whole story
Google has a list of everything I purchased online and offline dating back to who knows when, along with the estimated fulfillment date. The … Read the whole story
Free delivery is now the top driver of online ordering, MetaPack reports. Read the whole story
Email scores the latest entry to the Democratic race -- New York Mayor Bill de Blasio -- and asks for donations. Read the whole story
Explicit forms of "criminal activity," including outright fraud, malware, data privacy hacks, etc., take the greatest share of brand safety exploits, according to an … Read the whole story
The faster a page loads in a mobile browser, the higher it tends to rank in search query results. Eighty-six percent of page one … Read the whole story