Few companies say all departments can conduct basic data and analytics tasks, Alation reports. Read the whole story
Most consumers say email is their preferred way of engaging with brands, and half use their inbox to file brand information. Read the whole story
Demandbase says its ABX solution provides more relevant engagement with customers. Read the whole story
Boomers spend less time researching purchases -- eight weeks, versus 13 for millennials, B2B International reports. Read the whole story
Hornetsecurity says it will be investing heavily in the Zerospam partner community and providing new products. Read the whole story
The new association is backed by Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Uber and others. CEO Adam Kovacevich says those companies aren't represented on the organization's … Read the whole story
A Harte Hanks study shows positive attitudes driven by the COVID-19 vaccine rollout are giving consumers the spark to start new relationships with people, … Read the whole story