On September 11, 2001, after the magnitude of what happened that morning settled in, I spent much of the rest of the day working on the September 12 edition of a daily news publication about the ad industry I edited for Brill Media. I spent much of the afternoon making calls to advertisers and agency … Read the full story by Joe Mandese, Staff Writers
9/11 was the last event of that magnitude to play out mostly in my mind via snippets of analog media. Read the full story by Joe Mandese
This is one of those times of year that seem to call for some extra reflection. So here goes: Read the full story by Dave Morgan
Researcher Ipsos says "recency bias" is a factor, but notes the significance of 9/11's endurance among consumers. Read the full story by Joe Mandese
That's compared to the 10th anniversary of the event, when many more companies remembered 9/11 in their advertising. Read the full story by Todd Wasserman
As it has been in previous years, TV is the principal platform for this year's 9/11 commemorations, reminiscences and reexaminations. Read the full story by Adam Buckman