Should media companies or their advertisers help underwrite the cost of the data channel now being pressed by thicker streams of video content? Well, we know what the carriers think. Read the whole story
Starting perhaps the most ambitious live digital video service to date, Disney/ABC Television is launching Watch ABC -- the first live broadcast network streaming … Read the whole story
A 'pee sensor' for your kid's diaper? When you are done chuckling, consider the richer and marvelous potential of companies developing data tools that … Read the whole story
Purchase-based targeting was the focus of a panel titled "Mobile Marketing: Demographics Are Dead," at the Mobile Marketing Association's New York Forum on Friday. … Read the whole story
For all of the smart people running around the Internet biz, it is sometimes amazing to contemplate how absolutely stupid we all are. That's … Read the whole story
Facebook in April debuted a new targeting feature dubbed "partner categories" that uses members' online purchasing histories and location to tailor ads. The self-serve … Read the whole story
Mobile apps relating to loyalty programs may give retailers an edge over showrooming. Deep inside a new study analyzing how brands connect and build … Read the whole story
Controversial Internet-based video provider Aereo will be making it easier for consumers to consider their service -- dropping its price to $8 a month … Read the whole story
The sports network ESPN reportedly is talking with a major wireless carrier about a deal to exclude the networks' programs from the monthly data … Read the whole story
In a victory for Delta Air Lines, a state judge in California ruled that the company need not comply with a state law requiring … Read the whole story
Loyalty programs used to pretty much be CRM in a box: A mail pouch and an address list and a post office. Nowadays, it's … Read the whole story