The mobile banner has long been a subject of scorn, annoying users by crowding the smartphone screen and frustrating advertisers with their creative limitations. It looks like marketers are indeed … Read the whole story
Online travel agencies were among the first Web businesses to feel the full impact of the consumer migration to mobile as customers began using … Read the whole story
Less than a year after stepping down as Microsoft's CEO, Steve Ballmer officially resigned as the company's chairman on Tuesday. He will remain the … Read the whole story
The Internet of Things is still early in the hype cycle, generating a lot of buzz in marketing circles around the potential for reaching … Read the whole story
Baskets bearing the Lay's finalist flavors, deli sandwiches, bottles of PepsiCo's Aquafina water and other picnic fixings were delivered to Manhattanites by Uber's courier … Read the whole story
As few as two years ago, the mobile ecosystem was still finding its way - identifying mobile audiences was a major challenge. Back then, … Read the whole story
How can marketers be smarter when marketing to their audiences? What used to be seen only in the movies, is now a reality. Artificial … Read the whole story
The two trends driving the partnership between Whitepages Pro, the company's directory enterprise division, and Twilio announced this week center on better customer satisfaction … Read the whole story
The most effective, and valuable CMOs of the future will also be responsible for revenue, including direct sales and channel sales. I challenge any … Read the whole story
Predictive bid optimization will change search marketing -- but not the predictive bid optimization we know today. So I asked IgnitionOne President Roger Barnette … Read the whole story
Big themes at this week's Mobile Insider Summit? The new expectation of "instant"; the crying need for cross-screen tracking and seamless experiences; the role … Read the whole story