Rumors of Facebook's demise (which I have admittedly helped circulate on occasion) may be somewhat exaggerated, judging by data showing that the social leviathan dominates mobile usage, with key engagement … Read the whole story
The next phase of search engine marketing integrates information and data from social, along with devices. It means crossing media platforms and using social … Read the whole story
According to a new survey conducted by AT&T, a full two-thirds of small business owners said they plan to spend as much or more … Read the whole story
They might not have the biggest social footprints, but a number of brands are distinguishing themselves for their superior social responsiveness. During the first … Read the whole story
The campaign, "ugly truth," via Boston-based Arnold Worldwide, sets pairs of facts against each other, and encourages people to choose the uglier of the … Read the whole story
We Are Social was named global social media agency of record for online discount fashion retailer, THE OUTNET. The account, previously handled in-house, will … Read the whole story
A&W Restaurants is jumping headfirst into social media with the help of its mascot, Rooty The Great Root Bear. Back in February, A&W Restaurants … Read the whole story
SEOmoz introduced a few weeks ago what it calls Social Authority, a metric that measures influential activity on Twitter, to help marketers measure the … Read the whole story
Google+ continues to become more popular with younger generations as the company brands its social network more closely with its search tools. The insight … Read the whole story
Sarah Mogin tells us about five advanced tracking techniques that marketers may want to use in their reporting strategy and how they can serve … Read the whole story
The power of social media was realized in full force during the recent Boston Marathon bombings. Emergency responders, the media and those on the … Read the whole story
As you're getting organized for next week, remember this if you're in charge of your company's Twitter account(s): fire up that special tweet for … Read the whole story
Social search. It's become the buzziest of buzz words in the search space over the past 12-18 months. Google+, Facebook's Graph Search, and a … Read the whole story
Some interesting shifts are taking place in the whole paid vs. earned/owned media business that have some big implications for the paid part. You … Read the whole story
Social media should not be just about listening and engaging with customers, but instead, should be about driving business through key performance indicators (KPIs) … Read the whole story
TV networks apparently need even more feedback -- in shorthand, if possible -- about your feelings, emotions and interactions regarding their content. ABC News … Read the whole story
When it comes to brands on Facebook, the past few years reflect hype and a competitive race to acquire the most Fan connections. But … Read the whole story