"Taboo," the first great new TV show of 2017, is not to be confused with the show of the same title that aired starting in 2002 on National Geographic channel. Read the whole story
On-air TV marketing of TV programs is crucial for economic success. But for critical/award-worthy honors? Not so much -- especially for shows coming from … Read the whole story
The Dow Jones U.S. Media Index gained 10% to 821.41 from the stock market closing price November 8 through mid-day Monday trading, while the … Read the whole story
The new campaign's tagline, "There's No Feeling Like Doing," alludes to the natural high that people experience when they're performing an exciting activity. Read the whole story
Ford announced plans to bring back the Ranger and Bronco nameplates and also outlined mobility initiatives, including its Chariot ride-sharing service. Read the whole story
Dubbed "VF Hive on Cheddar," the series will broadcast weekly from Cheddar's studios on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange and … Read the whole story
The "Giants Vs. Packers - NFL Wild Card Game Highlights" YouTube video gained 1.1 million views within 24 hours, helping the NFL reach the … Read the whole story
According to Nielsen's third-quarter (2016) Total Audience Report, presented by Jon Lafayette, the decline in live TV viewing slowed in the third quarter, as … Read the whole story
A new business video product, ViewedIt Enterprise, lets a business easily create a personalized video and pinpointed information--and monitor the views Read the whole story
Netflix is notoriously careful with its viewer stats, but a Web site has put together some data suggesting what people in all 50 states … Read the whole story