Prospective rulers Trump and Harris are now going to have to abide by a set of debate rules announced this week by ABC News. Read the whole story
Linear TV networks will have 42% (114 games) of all NFL games exclusively. Just 7% (20 games) will be available exclusively on national direct-to-consumer … Read the whole story
If the race for the White House was one of Donald Trump's reality TV shows, he'd be losing by a metric that has historically … Read the whole story
The new coalition comes less than a month after the WFA shuttered GARM and seems intended to fill part of that ad industry void. Read the whole story
More than four in 10 people someone's else login and password for paid subscriptions also pay for six or more TV services. Read the whole story
The future of a streamlined ad-tech industry won't be shaped by cookies -- it will come from addressing the day-to-day tasks that form the … Read the whole story