Teens Divide Video Time Among More Streaming Platforms


In their “Taking Stock With Teens” report, Piper Sandler finds that U.S. teenagers changed their daily video consumption as more streaming platforms became available. According to the report, cable TV declined from Spring 2019 to Spring 2022 from 14% to 6%, Netflix from 37% to 30%, and YouTube from 32% to 30%, while other platforms like Amazon Prime, Disney+, and Hulu have shown regular usage. The most popular platforms amongst teens are TikTok (33%), Snapchat (31%), and Instagram (22%). And all three of these platforms rank high in teen engagement, with Instagram up 89% from 81% one year ago, Snapchat up 84% from 77%  one year ago, and TikTok up 80% from 73% one year ago.