Brian Levine

Innerscope Research President and Co-Founder

Brian Levine has extensive experience in the design and implementation of consumer research studies. He directed research and design teams for high profile companies including Old Navy, The Gap, Banana Republic, Electronic Arts, The Mayo Clinic, 3M Post-it® Products, Philips Electronics, IBM, and Fidelity Investments. Levine’s highest profile work came from leading all front-end development and customer research for the creation of Major League Baseball’s highly successful network of 33 web sites. He received his B.A. in design from the University of Wisconsin and his M.B.A. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. While at MIT, Levine split his time between Sloan and the MIT Media Lab where his project involving the use of multiplatform sensing technology in media research was a major inspiration for the formation of Innerscope Research.

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Presentation: The Brain On Screens, A Model Updated
Date/Time: 4:00 PM
Brian Levine, President of Innerscope Research, presents an update of a model for understanding how the brain relates to media content across various screens, and the cognitive, emotional and physiological implications for marketers, agencies and the media.

(Presentation slides are not available)

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