Ford Electrifies Facebook

  • March 1, 2011
Ford has launched a Facebook page devoted to its electrified vehicles. The Dearborn, Mich. automaker said the site is intended to help consumers understand the differences between electrified vehicle technologies, "So they can make informed decisions about whether a hybrid, plug-in hybrid or all-electric vehicle fits their driving habits," said the automaker in a release.

The page also creates a place where consumers can initiate and participate in conversations around Ford's electrified vehicle offerings and gives Ford a forum to respond to consumers who are interested in electrified vehicles.

"We're committed to engaging in an ongoing dialogue with our fans in a way that provides value for the time they choose to spend with Ford online," said Scott Monty, Ford digital and multimedia communications manager. "As we've proven with Fiesta Movement and the Explorer reveal on Facebook, it's important to pay attention to what people are saying, and for us to be able to respond and provide a unique experience for them as well."

The Facebook page links to videos and photos of products, and powertrains in each vehicle.



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