
Samsung Will Partner With AT&T On New 5G Phone

One day after Verizon and Samsung said they would market a 5G phone in the first half of 2019, rival AT&T made the same announcement, also with Samsung. 

That phone will have access to AT&T’s 5G network, which the wireless communications giant confirmed will be introduced by the end of the year. 

As a ramp-up to the competition to come, AT&T has installed 5G mobile network equipment in 12 cities (Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C. Dallas, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Fla., Louisville, Ky., Oklahoma City, New Orleans, Raleigh, N.C., San Antonio and Waco, Texas). It plans seven more early in 2019  (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Nashville, Orlando, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose, Calif.). 



“5G is going to be about more than just a network. Customers will eventually be able to connect in near real-time to unforeseen possibilities,” said David Christopher, president of AT&T mobility and entertainment in a statement.

In Austin, Texas, AT&T also is working with Samsung to create what it calls a “manufacturing-focused 5D innovation zone” to help provide insights into how the new technology shapes the future of “smart” factories. 

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