Republican PAC Ad Compares Trump To Dictators

Donald Trump holds a sizable lead among GOP presidential hopefuls. But as the first primaries approach, the Republican Accountability PAC is taking action.

All candidates and PACs routinely run ads against opponents. This one calls out the former president as a singular threat to the United States.

The anti-Trump political action committee debuted a new spot warning voters the Republican front runner is a danger to American democracy.

The 60-second ad, titled “Dictator Donald,” shows a December 2022 post from Trump in which he states the 2020 election was a massive fraud that “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

“Trump said he would terminate the Constitution so he could be president again,” the ad states. “Do you know who also did that? Mussolini, Chavez, Pinochet.”



The spot runs on CNN and MSNBC and in key swing states: Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It also appeared on the Hallmark Chanel and during TBS’ “A Christmas Story” marathon.  

The campaign runs through this week.

Gunner Ramer, political director for the Republican Accountability PAC, said Trump had “become even more conspiratorial, more dictatorial, more authoritarian — and he has a real chance of being the next president of the United States. It’s time to start confronting the problem head-on.”

The ad ends with: “We have a choice: Protecting our democracy or letting Trump destroy it.”

Iowa holds its caucus on Jan. 15. New Hampshire, the nation’s first primary, is Jan. 23.

1 comment about "Republican PAC Ad Compares Trump To Dictators".
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  1. Ben B from Retired, December 26, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

    I haven't seen the ads on local TV stations in Michigan unless that is just Detroit only. I have no interest in politcal ads since everyone just slanders, smears, & defames in those ads since that is how the game is play. I'm not voting the 2 evils I'm voting 3RD party once again if somehow there is a major upset and someone in the GOP field does beat Trump in the primaries I'd vote for them. Anyone but Trump, Biden, RFK JR, & Green Party.

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