What Happens In December Should Not Stay In December
    After weeks of overindulging and under-preparing, the toxic combination has now settled harder than your grandmother's fruitcake. Some of us take this sideline moment to rest, reflect and restore. Yet many have no choice but to continue chugging on and play through the pain, since this season makes or breaks the business year.
    Success Means More, More, More Mobile
    In a down economy everyone has to make hard choices about how and where to spend their money. Recent studies show that a surprising priority for many is charitable giving. Americans love to give.
    What Do Women (And Men) Want?
    Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, is famous for having asked the question "What does a woman want?" - and confessing that after 30 years of research he still didn't have an answer.
    Give Twice This Holiday Season
    Here are five fun ideas, appropriate for Christmas or Hanukah, with something for almost anyone on your list. All are gifts that give twice; once for your intended and once for a worthy cause.
    All Pain, No Gain
    There are times in all of our lives - sometimes all too often - when we invest so much up front that our ultimate gain doesn't even come close to matching our pain. Whether trying to win and/or keep the affection of another, rolling the dice a few too many times in Vegas or pretending to be smarter than those stock-trading babies, we invest and have less to show for it in the end.
    Telegram To Nonprofits: The Telegraph Is Here To Stay
    "WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT" -- The first message sent by Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph.
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