Radiohead Takes Aim At The Record Industry
    Once again, the music industry is getting screwed. Oh, well. If you blinked, you might have missed it, but Radiohead announced this week that their new release, "In Rainbows," would be made available for purchase online for whatever you wanted to pay for it.
    Microsoft Regarding Google: If You Can't Beat 'Em...
    The new arms race between Microsoft and Google will change the face of advertising forever, and it's a good thing for the Internet ecosystem. There is no way Microsoft will ever give up on search, nor should it. But it certainly seems to have taken to heart an old adage with a new twist: If you can't beat 'em at search... make search less valuable (you didn't really think I was going say "join 'em," did you?).
    A Vacation From Advertising Week?
    I don't know about you -- but I am beat from last week. Those of you who were at Advertising Week most likely share the same sentiment. There are about 200 events during the 5-day period in NYC.That being said, I like to pull out the common threads -- what's buzzing or soon to be. From what I heard, everyone was talking about the impact of social media across the board.
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