The Non-User-Centric World Of Facebook Messaging
    In November 2010, the then-26-year-old Mark Zuckerberg sounded the death knell for email. Email was too slow, he said, and too formal. The youths don't like it. What they would like, apparently, was Facebook's new messaging service. This magic system would work with email, direct messages, and texts so that people communicated through a single channel, yet used whatever method they chose. Nothing like an upstart billionaire attacking a venerable institution to spawn a media frenzy. Was the service going to be a Gmail killer? Was email at death's door, or had it actually crossed the threshold into the hereafter? …
    Bringing Ad Targeting To TV Doesn't Have to Mean That Spam Comes, Too
    Yesterday MediaPost published a story about media ecologist Jack Myers' prediction that Web-like, audience-based advertising could represent the majority of the TV ad market by 2020, as the TV and digital video ad ecosystems converge. In online, if only one of a 1,000 impressions yields a response and sale, the revenue of the sale easily justifies the costs of the 999 impressions that didn't, since online media impressions are so cheap. Of course, while marketers might not care much about the "non-yielding" ads, that don't impact them economically, the folks receiving those irrelevant impressions certainly do - and their response …
    Changing Business Behavior In The Face Of Data
    Today's businesses are experiencing significant levels of change in the face of data. What tends to get overlooked, however, is that the face of data is actually a real human being. People provide feedback that's valuable for your business success.
    Facebook Really IS Committed To Making Marketers Successful
    Last week Forrester Research published a report criticizing Facebook for its shortcomings to marketers. It was countered quickly by many leaders and journalists in the marketing community, who criticized the analysis, methodology and tone -- such as fellow Spinster Joseph Jaffe, Matt Owen of Econsultancy, Andrea Huspeni in Entrepreneur, and Rick Munarriz in USA Today, among others. Contrary to the Forrester report, the fact is that marketers are placing more faith and investment in the world's largest social networking platform. This was evidenced most recently by Facebook's strong quarterly earnings report.
    Everybody Has a Plan -- Until They Get Punched In The Mouth
    One of my favorite Mediapost articles ever written is "The Power of No" by Dave Morgan. In it, Dave describes how the word "no" can be useful in business: "Learning how and when to use the word is a vital lesson. This is true whether you are in sales, client service or product development. It's particularly true in start-up companies, where resources are scarce, historical guidance is short, and making too many promises is devastatingly more dangerous than making too few." Another important aspect to the "power of no" is how you handle being on the other side of the …
    IT People: A Call For Compassion
    Imagine for a moment that you are a magician. You have worked hard to become an expert in your craft: making bunnies disappear, sawing ladies in half, reaching your hand through a glass display case to grab a watch. People are awed by your performances. They have no idea how you do it. They want more. Thinking you are capable of anything, they start making unreasonable requests: Walk on water! Through a brick wall! Jump out of a plane with no parachute! You begin to resist. Just because you can levitate a few inches doesn't mean you can fly.
    Facebook Isn't Failing Marketers -- Marketers Are Failing Marketers
    This week, Forrester analyst Nate Elliott wrote an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg expressing concern that Facebook is essentially failing marketers. Elliott cites a recent Forrester study, which surveyed 395 marketers across large companies in U.S., the U.K. and Canada. Personally, I'm surprised it's taken anyone this long to reach a conclusion that I've been fairly consistent on throughout my soapbox antics of the past few years: Facebook is not a media channel. It is the world's largest and greatest "non-media" connection engine. So how on earth should we be expecting returns on our media dollars for a platform that …
    Can 3MS Drive Unparalleled Growth In Digital Marketing?
    I might be a bit behind on this one, but I think the 3MS initiative on "making measurement make sense" makes a LOT of sense and is long overdue.
    Six Undeniable Reasons Why Listicles Have Jumped The Shark
    Love them or hate them, listicles have skyrocketed in popularity with the rise of blogging and digital publishing. Publishers will rely on them so long as readers reward them with page views. While listicles have their place -- and some are magnificent -- they've become too popular. Well, let's be honest: they're overused, abused and have jumped the shark.
    How To Get Rich In Advertising
    A few years ago, I achieved an unexpected level of financial security. For a decade I had worked in media planning, an industry not known for its exorbitant salaries. But through some basic techniques I was able to secure a decent nest egg. Here's what I learned along the way:
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