• Mr. Weiner Instructs
    For the past four years, the onset of summer has meant a new season of "Mad Men." But even though there will be no original episodes in 2011, the release of Season 4 on DVD means that we can still get our "Mad Men" fix this summer. For me, the best part of the DVDs is Matthew Weiner's commentary. For such a hugely praised creator, producer and writer, he is surprising accessible and eager to explain what he's trying to accomplish with each episode.
  • Ryan Seacrest For President
    So there I was Sunday night, pleasantly reliving the Yankees third win of four from the Orioles, seven of ten on the homestand, when the announcement came. "We have a deal," the President said. And so began the breathless coverage of every word, every nuance of every word, from every possible point of view.
  • Collision Avoidance For TV Media Buyers
    As I wandered around the weekly old-car show in my neighborhood this past Saturday night, I couldn't help but smile when I saw "my" '68 Camaro. She was a beaut: white with two blue mag stripes and a whale tail (puny 289 engine, though, and no Hurst shift). Remember your favorite old classic? Still driving her? Nah, you upgraded long ago. It got me thinking about other objects of nostalgia: the 8-track, the original Walkman, my first TR80 PC, my blinking VCR. All, thankfully, abandoned. But some habits die hard and somehow we still cling to them, even though …
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