• The Case of the Incredibly Effective Shrinking iPad Girl Head
    Truth be told, you don't associate the magazine world with breakout digital creativity. From the incredibly misguided Pathfinder online newsstand only for Time Inc. magazines back in the mid-90s to hundreds of magazine brand URLs that laid essentially fallow for a decade, this is not an industry that embraced the Web with both arms. So it is heartening to see the online viral video campaign touting Hearst's first iPad-only magazine effort, Cosmo for Guys. Now making its way into the viral circulatory system of the Web, a video promotion called "iPad Head Girl" is verging on a quarter of a …
  • YouTube: The Epic Six-Year Tale
    Where were you in May 2005? As with every other medium that has flourished in the last century and a half, YouTube was the catalyst for an online video energy that had been building for a while. Some say the month YouTube went live, May 2005, may be seen as a turning point that falls into the pantheon of the 1947 World Series, which marked the beginning of that medium's fast rush to household ubiquity.
  • Ad Man Novelist Bites the Hand
    Paul Malmont is having altogether too much boyish fun. He not only writes pulp-like adventure tales, he writes pulp-like adventure tales about the greats who used to write pulp adventure. And in life, he has a dual identity that is something like the pulp heroes of old. And now, Malmont is promoting his new novel with a literary trailer sending up his own marketing profession. By day, Malmont works in the ad trade, as an Associate Creative director at R/GA, according to his latest LinkedIn listing. By night he dons the garb of bestselling novelist, the author several years …
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