• Twitter Eyed Spotify, Pandora
    Along with SoundCloud, Twitter recently took a serious look at Spotify and Pandora, according to reports. “The micro-blogging site is said to have considered bids for Spotify, which boasts 10 million paying subscribers worldwide, and US-only service Pandora, which has an estimated worth of close to $5 billion,” The Telegraph reports, citing a story (behind a paywall) in the Financial Times. As The Wall Street Journal recently reported, Twitter considered buying SoundCloud before getting cold feet. 
  • MySpace Reaching Out To Dormant User Base
    Trying to rekindle its relationship with users, MySpace is emailing them old photos of themselves. “The emails include one or two old photos and a line that reads, ‘The good, the rad and the what were you thinking...’ along with a link that takes users to their profile,” Mashable reports. “It's a clever approach to retaining members (or at least piquing their curiosity).” Yet, “it's unclear whether the strategy is working.” 
  • News Media's Uneasy Accord With User-Generated Content
    User-generated content (UGC) has never been more popular among professional news organizations, but according to new research, they’re loath to admit it. In fact, a staggering 72% of UGC was not labeled or described as UGC, while just 16% of UGC on TV was given onscreen credit, according to new findings from the Tow Center For Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School.  
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