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TechCrunch vs. Twitter, Round 2

The unsavory back-and-forth between TechCrunch and Twitter continues. Earlier this week, the influential tech blog earlier published internal Twitter documents obtained by a hacker. TechCrunch then forced Twitter into negotiations over which information it would publish. On Thursday, TechCrunch claimed it received the "green light" from Twitter to publish some internal business discussions. Twitter then promptly responded, via its CEO Evan Williams' Twitter stream: "we absolutely did not give permission for these documents to be shared." Several hours later, TechCrunch made no response. Valleywag decided to call up Michael Arrington for comment, but he said he wouldn't comment on the matter for at least 24 hours. Valleywag asked if this meant no new statements would be forthcoming from TechCrunch , but Arrington wouldn't comment on that, either.

Twitter, meanwhile, feels rightfully spurned. In a blog post, cofounder Biz Stone wrote, "Out of context, rudimentary notes of internal discussions will be misinterpreted by current and future partners jeopardizing our business relationships. We are pursuing a path to address the harm caused by these actions and as noted yesterday, we've already reached out to the partners and individuals affected."

Read the whole story at Valleywag »

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