One major development is a restructuring into three geographic business units in the West, the South and
the North. The company's previous structure consisted of five major regions. Former president and CEO Raul Vasquez will oversee the Walmart West area. Rosalind Brewer was named
president of Walmart South after previously serving as president of Walmart's Southeast division. Hank Mullany, previously president of the Northeast division, is now president of Walmart North.
Andrea Thomas will serve as senior vp brand merchandising for home, hardlines and entertainment. She was previously responsible for private brand management in the marketing
In Financial Times, Jonathan Birchall reports that a new global e-commerce unit headed by Wan Ling Martello, previously CFO of Walmart International, is tasked with driving online growth in new and existing markets. Steve Nave will take over as gm of the Web site, replacing Vazquez.