
Homework Psychographics

  • by July 6, 2001
Homework Psychographics

88.6 million, or 44% of Americans have Internet access at home and 56% own a personal computer. As a result, more than ten million American adults work where they live. And new MRI data show that "Homeworkers" exhibit measurable differences in media behavior as reported by Mediamark. While MRI data do not qualify or quantify the connection of using specific media while actually working from home, analysis of data shows that certain magazine types, TV programs, and radio formats are more likely to be used by people who work from home.

- Full-time Homeworkers are almost twice as likely as the average adult to come from households with income of $150,000 or higher. Westerners are more likely than Americans living in the other three census regions to work from home.

- Male Homeworkers are not any more likely than all adults to work and watch TV viewing during the day, but women Homeworkers watch some TV daytime dayparts like soaps, early morning programs, and daytime talk shows.

- Male Homeworkers have a greater likelihood than men working outside the home for listening News/Talk, All Talk, and Classic Rock on the radio

- Homeworkers show a greater likelihood than those who work outside the home for reading Airline and Boating magazines, while Airline and Parenthood books rank highest among women working from home.

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