Christ On A Cracker, It's NBA Teams On Toast

First it was Jesus. Then the Runaway Bride. Now something bigger than either of them may appear on toast: Lebron James.

Yes, the wizards at the NBA (the front office not the team formerly known as the Bullets) have indeed come up with the ideal target market for their product. And it's, er, people who eat.

"A lot of people watching NBA games on TV tend to eat," says Sal LaRocca, head of global merchandising for the NBA told LA Weekly. He must have graduated at the top of his class.

In addition to licensing toasters (not just stamps mind you, but an entire appliance), the league has also worked out a deal with Pizza Fest Edible Image to create toppings made of of sugar, starch and food coloring to put logos on pizza pies.

To that we say, Lebron cannot be contained by any mere pie. And we will also take this opportunity to plead with Lebron once again to please come to the Knicks. Though the thought of eating purple and orange pizza sort of makes us sick.

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