
Shoppers Want Informative Advertising

Shoppers Want Informative Advertising

According to an email survey by the Yellow Pages Research Institute that addressed consumers' changed attitudes toward the advertising they consider when making purchase decisions, more than nine out of 10 consumers said they prefer informative advertising to entertainment-based sources of advertising. In addition to getting the facts without too much hype, rather than advertising that is entertaining, consumers report that trust and reliability also hold greater significance in the decision-making processes.

When asked what forms of advertising they considered to be reliable and trustworthy, traditional entertainment-based forms of advertising, such as television and radio, ranked near the bottom. Based on the survey results, it appears consumer attitudes have shifted over the last six months. Whether as a product of the weakened economy or the events of September 11, consumers ready to make a purchase apparently consider doing so more carefully than they might have six months ago.

When making a purchase, most respondents to the survey said they were more likely to consult information-based advertising than they would have been six months ago.

- 40% of consumers said they were more likely to consult the Yellow Pages or a newspaper ad

- a majority said they would be more likely to consult the Internet, seeking out resources that will help them in their decision-making process

- 74% said they considered information-based advertising most valuable when they are ready to buy

- 20% of consumers cited radio and television as having the most valuable information when they are ready to make purchase decisions.

Read more in this pdf file.

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