
Kids Online

Kids Online

According SpectraCom Inc.and Circle 1 Network, surveying kids and their Internet preferences since 1996, children are spending more time online than ever before, using the Internet for shopping and entertainment.

The six-year study shows 25% spend 10 or more hours online each week. That is up from an average of just 19% for the previous five years. A third said they spend less than five hours online each week, down from an average of 42% over the previous five years.

Nearly 60% of the kids surveyed have asked parents to buy things they've seen online. That's up from 40% in 1998, and has increased steadily every year.

The survey also showed a significant interest in wireless and other devices. Mobile phones were desired by 60%, but just 22% have one. More than half of the kids said they wanted pocket PCs, but only 5% have one.

Read more about this here.

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