Yahoo's Launch Debuts At Number One

  • May 4, 2003
LAUNCH, the music destination on Yahoo! ranked as the number one Internet Broadcast Network with 3,040,830 hours of Total Time Spent Listening (TTSL) for the week of April 14, according to Arbitron's Internet Broadcast Ratings. Live365 was ranked the number two Internet Broadcast Network with 2,847,013 hours of TTSL, the sum total of hours tuned by listeners to a given station or network. Chaincast/StreamAudio was ranked number three with 1,474,969 hours of TTSL. MUSICMATCH Artist Match was ranked the top Internet radio station with 257,699 hours of TTSL. Virgin Radio was ranked number two with 214,424 hours of TTSL. WQXR was ranked number three with 206,557 hours of TTSL. As Arbitron's Internet Broadcast Ratings (powered by MeasureCast technology) ratings transitions to a subscription-only service, some stations previously reported in the ratings have elected not to subscribe to the service and will no longer be included in the ratings. The ratings may not reflect all tuning for the measured stations or channels since Arbitron may have received incomplete or unusable server data.
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