
Real Media Riffs - Tuesday, Feb 4, 2003

PB$: It's about time PBS will start running 30-second spots from its most generous underwriters, as it announced this week. I hate to sound like a pledge drive bleeding heart, but the need for PBS as a content source and as an ad vehicle has never been greater. For content, all signs show that broadcast and cable TV networks are going to expand the reality drama until they start following Courtney Love on plane trips. PBS needs to have the money to staff and produce educational reality programming. That's called history. It also needs to focus on giving TV audience access to inspired creativity and the people who make it. That's called art. If a brand wants to take the high road and establish itself as a discriminating choice, or even an intelligent choice, what are you going to do? Buy spots on CEO Mole? PBS needs to give underwriters more tools to spend money on. Good start.

Fill-In Time Warner Property Here: The recent announcement that will drop the CNN will be repeated in various forms over the next few weeks until they drop the big one. The big one being AOL from AOL/TimeWarner. This will confirm what media planners and buyers have known all along. The parts are much more valuable than the whole in this case.



So Aaron, Do You Need More Time To Work On Your Game?: The LA Times reports that Aaron Brown refused to come to CNN HQ after the shuttle disaster. He was on the links, the report says. Seems to me that if you want to be thought of on the same level as the network guys, you have to play at that level. I'm not talking about golf.

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