"As a commercial delivery system, 'Mad Men' does not live up to its considerable hype," writes Don Seaman, citing the show's less-than-stellar ratings: for its "most premiere episode... an anemic 1.8 household rating, #133 overall," which would be "downright unsurvivable on broadcast."
Seaman contends the show "simply doesn't translate with viewers outside its advertising industry 'comfort zone' of New York, Boston, Washington, DC, and Minneapolis — maybe throw in Chicago." Instead, it delivers "those who have already drunk the Kool-Aid. It's just not reaching the multitudes of consumers that would be purchasing it."
The show's ratings may not be news. But also consider that Seaman is not the most objective commenter on cable TV, since as manager of marketing communications at TVB, "he is responsible for promoting and raising awareness of Local Broadcast Television’s value."