
TV Networks Don't Want My Calendar Entries - For Now

Marketers now spend so much effort looking for any kernel of somewhat personal information --on the slight off chance of grabbing some possible return on consumer investment.

That makes digital media run better. But it doesn’t work for everyone. For example, what happens when unsold inventory from a popular music site goes to a mobile ad network, which then grabs calendar information from users?

Why would they do this? Perhaps to sell an ad to the likes of Home Depot or Lowe’s when someone’s weekend calendar entry says: “Fix Screen Door. Paint the living room. Install light fixture.” Even worse, what if some less-than-desirable ad content gets connected to someone’s private personal information?

Plenty of mishaps like this continue to occur with new media. Traditional broadcast, cable, and syndication companies may be smiling (smirking, perhaps?) at some of these privacy issues.

While TV platforms are under attack to keep up with the new digital media business, they still pull in the bulk of overall media advertising dollars.



Digital platforms continue to expand and make money, but they also glut the media space. That’s why there’s a need to let third parties sell unsold inventory without a lot of monitoring.

TV platforms have their own digital interests, of course. But many TV marketers place their content and advertising opportunities in the so-called “premium” level. We speak of high prices. Few, if any, traditional TV players allow third party ad networks to be involved in their digital media platforms, which can drive down prices.

Even then, privacy concerns for traditional TV networks aren’t a pressing issue -- currently. Future addressable advertising efforts will change this. As networks continue to pursue higher CPM-based advertising efforts, TV marketers will want more accountability for what they are buying.

Users can get caught unaware of what they have agreed to with digital platforms, not bothering to slow down and read some of those opt-in messages carefully.

The good news right now is that my DVR/set-top box settings aren’t suddenly popping up on the screen and asking to access my contacts so someone can sell me car insurance, movie tickets, or tablets because I watch ESPN’s “SportsCenter.”  But I’m sure that’s coming.

2 comments about "TV Networks Don't Want My Calendar Entries - For Now ".
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  1. Edmund Singleton from Winstion Communications, November 21, 2013 at 5:32 a.m.

    Yes, yes, Wayne, there are some out there that know more about me then I do and members of my family included...

  2. Michael Massey from Clickit Digital, November 21, 2013 at 6:09 a.m.

    The TV advertising space continues to have significant media waste with- ads for fast food or retailers in markets with no locations available. The goal is to deliver appropriate ads that are relevant to the target viewing audience .Broadcast can be an amazing compliment to digital when that occurs.

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