With consumers being more hands-on with technology and video use (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram), it only stands to reason that businesses are right behind them especially since these consumers are the same people in business roles within the enterprise.
Here are more benefits of self-service enterprise video:
Scheduling flexibility – It’s difficult to organize schedules, especially if you are trying to gather all attendees face-to-face. Self-service enterprise video allows you bypass that issue and arrange a professional-looking meeting quickly and easily. Slides, video, Q&A and the ability to show multiple speakers at once, provide an interactive meeting experience in a few quick clickswith the additional benefit of on-demand access.
Control of content –Have a last-minute change to your slide? Want to swap videos? You can handle all
of these presentation tweaks without having to contact technical support to make the changes for you. Since you run the presentation, you are in complete control of your content and delivery.
Increased communication – An easy-to-use interface, scheduling flexibility and the ability to take control of your content makes it simpler for businesses to communicate more frequently
with better messaging. Self-service enterprise video is increasingly important for employees to stay connected, especially those operating in disparate offices.
Cost –Since users are operating their own webcasts, many self-service enterprise video platforms are more cost effective than their fully managed video counterparts, and in most cases, audio-only counterparts.
There is no denying the ubiquity of user-generated video content. While making the shift may seem daunting, in reality it’s as easy as using your webcam and sharing it with the world.