Retail CFOs expect U.S. consumers’ feverish appetite for online buying to continue its strong upward trajectory in 2015. According to a recent BDO USA survey, nearly four out of five (78%)
retail chief financial officers anticipate their online sales to grow. Overall, CFOs forecast an impressive 9.9% boost to e-commerce sales this year. This projected increase comes after the Commerce
Department’s estimate of a record-breaking $304.9 billion in U.S. online sales in 2014. “Consumers crave speed, selection and the convenience of shopping anywhere and
anytime at the touch of a button,” said Natalie Kotlyar, partner in the Consumer Business practice at BDO USA, LLP. “But investing in online and mobile systems is a difficult balancing
act. Staying competitive requires retailers to deliver a seamless, engaging experience across channels, while at the same time investing to protect their consumers’ from the growing threat of
cyber attacks.” To capture more of consumers’ dollars across digital platforms, 37 % of CFOs say their primary growth tactic for 2015 is expanding their e-commerce and
mobile offerings. At the same time, when asked where CFOs plan to spend the most capital this year, 22% point to e-commerce and mobile channels.Read the whole story at Chain Store Age »