Presidential hopeful Rand Paul on Wednesday introduced a measure aimed at killing the new net neutrality rules.
Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, criticized the net neutrality rules as a “textbook example of Washington’s desire to regulate anything and everything,” and said the rules “will do nothing more than wrap the Internet in red-tape.”
“Stated simply, I do not want to see the government regulating the Internet,” the lawmaker said in a statement.
Paul's proposed “resolution of disapproval” would nullify the FCC's open Internet order, which was published earlier this month and will take effect in June. Two weeks ago, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) introduced a similar measure in the House.
Even if the House and Senate pass the resolutions, President Obama -- who called for the Federal Communications Commission to move forward with net neutrality rules -- isn't likely to sign a bill that vacates them.
The FCC's open Internet order reclassifies broadband as a utility service and imposes some common carrier obligations, including a prohibition on blocking or degrading service and on paid prioritization.
Earlier this year, FCC Chairman Wheeler dismissed criticisms that the rules would mark a government takeover of the Web. “This proposal has been described by one opponent as a, quote, 'Secret plan to regulate the Internet.' Nonsense,” he said at the agency's February meeting, when it voted to move forward with the rules. “This is no more a plan to regulate the Internet than the First Amendment is a plan to regulate free speech.”
Paul's move drew sharp criticism by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), a longtime net neutrality supporter. “The FCC’s Open Internet order is an historic victory for consumers, innovators, and entrepreneurs -- anyone who counts on the Internet to connect to their community and the world,” he said in a statement. “I will oppose any attempts to undo or undermine these strong net neutrality protections.”
I'm just sitting here and laughing because if I don't, I'll cry. Of course anything that helps the average consumer the Republicans are against. If it doesn't benefit Big Business, they'll do anything to knock it down.