
3 Ways To Make Video Work Better - With Less Risk

Over the last few years, we’ve seen plenty of marketing trends accelerate—from print to digital, from single channel to omnichannel, etc. But perhaps the most vital for healthcare marketing has been the move from text to video. Not only does it allow us to convey volumes of information in a shorter amount of time—with less cognitive investment—but it also enables us to engage customers on a deeper level more quickly. 

And there’s no shortage of prodding you to make the move from text to video: Google/YouTube says so. As do video marketers. Even less-biased parties like Adweek say the future of content marketing is video. 

However, video production is still perceived as a challenge—it costs too much, it takes too long to produce, the finished product lacks flexibility. But these opinions, even if based on experience, aren’t based in present reality and possibility. By approaching video production in a way that takes full advantage of current media opportunities, technology and expertise—along with a radically user-centric mindset—you can get ahead of the trend and position your marketing to succeed. 

1. Users, not viewers. It’s no secret your customers are distracted. But no matter what age, condition, location or platform you’re reaching them at, in or on, there’s one thing they are not: passive. Where once we made video for viewers, now you need to produce it for active users. Remember, whether people watch your video content on their tablets, phones or any other screen, you’re likely interrupting them, so you need to grab them. 

You have mere seconds to grab their attention and lure them away. You need to create video with this in mind: your target doesn’t want your message at that moment. So how best can you attract them—quickly—to a destination you’ve created with deeper, more informative content? That leads us to the second point…

2. Focus your message. Of course, video should be relevant, informative and engaging. But the challenge most marketers face is making it brief. For today’s connected, distracted user, 15 seconds might as well be an hour. You’ve been there yourself, waiting impatiently for the chance to click the “Skip Ad” button. 

And with the infinite options you have for video insertion, you can afford to stretch your media spend by inserting a variety of shorter videos. If you make five points in your typical TV spot, don’t try to fit them all into a 10-second video. And certainly don’t try to edit down your :30 spot into pre-roll. Instead, produce five 6-second videos, each making one of your compelling points—then place them in as many places as your budget will allow. 

Whether driven by regulatory necessity, complexity of offer or consideration level of purchase, healthcare marketing communicates a higher volume of information than other industry verticals do. And the truth is, you won’t engage customers by telling the whole story up front. Remember: these are active, distracted users, and if your message intrigues them, they’ll click to your destination to learn more. 

3. Target precisely. Today, the success of marketing depends directly on the quality of the data fueling it. Once you identify your target, use targeted placements and deliver the correct message for where they are in the purchase cycle. And when it comes to video, you have more opportunities than you may know. Sure, there are rich-media banners, in-store video, pre-roll and plenty of other traditional placements. 

We live in a time where you can not only address digital and mobile placements to a specific geography or time of day, but to a specific individual. And this combination of the targeting power of classic direct marketing with the scope, reach and engagement of video doesn’t stop with digital. Addressable TV is fast becoming viable—with some 40 million homes currently available for you to specifically deliver your TV spot. 

Keep these three points in mind when you’re considering utilizing video content in your campaign. And be aware of this good news: video produced with the intent of being under 10 seconds will cost less and be more effective at delivering your message. 

Because of its high success rate and low cost of entry, video can be a low-risk way to stay ahead of the content trend that can make or break your campaign.

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