A week after President Donald Trump tweeted there should be a contest to determine which network is the “most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me),” Fox has won the first-ever “Fake News Trophy,” according to a survey of American voters conducted by Rasmussen Reports.
While President Trump originally tweeted that Fox News should be excluded from the contest, 40% of the nationally projectable poll, conducted online and via phone, said Fox should win the Fake News Trophy.
Fox won by a wide margin over runner-up CNN, which was cited by 25% of respondents, followed by MSNBC (9%), ABC (4%), CBS (3%) and NBC (2%).
Six percent said the award should go to “someone else,” while 11% were undecided.
“A closer look finds that while 53% of Democrats and a plurality (42%) of voters not affiliated with either major party declare Fox News the winner, just 24% of Republicans agree,” Rasmussen reported. It added: “40% of GOP voters opt instead for CNN, a view shared by just 13% of Democrats and 24% of unaffiliateds.”
I think you mean "Fox has won" instead of "Fox has one."
What about ABC's Brian Ross? That 350 point stock market decline on Friday must be worth 2nd place. A one-month suspension for him is as meaningless as Gronkowski's one-game suspension.
@Douglas Ferguson: Nice catch. Fixed now. Thank you.
Brian Ross was wrong. Fake news is intential lying. Can you find how many times and what else he has done, let's say, in the past year ?