
What Redwood Forests and the Ad Industry Have in Common

Awe is what you feel as you walk among them.

Upwards of over 360 feet tall, 22 feet in diameter, some over 2,000 years old.

Majestic to look at, a wonder to behold. When you walk through a redwood forest you are reminded that change can indeed be slow.

As you continue walking, you start to notice that the forest is comprised of a circle of 15 trees here, another circle of 14 trees there. Further inspection reveals that within each circle lies the parent redwood, dead or dying.

This parent redwood is, in some ways, similar to the traditional advertising business model. Once majestic, a wonder to behold, unconquerable we thought, it was a model that supported an industry worth billions and billions of dollars.

That this model can now be dead or dying is still denied by many. Denial is easy. Change, on the other hand, is somewhat more difficult.

What's encouraging is that as the traditional advertising model slowly dies, new spores have already sprouted, circling what once was. And creating what will eventually be.

The only question that remains is this: Will these new spores ever reach the majesty of the parent?

The answer, like in the forest itself, depends on how well they're nourished. And how soon.

After all, some will always find it hard to see the forest for the trees.



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