Identillect To Offer Sign-On For Microsoft 365 And Gmail

Identillect will introduce a product called Single Sign-On (SSO), for Microsoft Office 365 and Gmail users within days. 

SSO provides security protocols and sign-on efficiency, the firm claims. It enables firms to have a centralized security access point, while accommodating enterprise requirements, it adds.

The service deploys advanced pass wording, and analytics to improve security, claiming that complex passwords protect against breaches. Identillect points to research by Verizon showing that 81% of breaches can be traced to compromised passwords.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) require that security be pervasive in all parts of an organization, the firm continues.

SSO will be available for Microsoft O365 on March 23 and for Gmail on March 30. 

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