MPA Introduces New Social-Media Data, Reports High Engagement

The Association of Magazine Media (MPA) today released its 2018/19 Magazine Media Factbook, which includes a new category of data and charts culled from Magazine Media 360° Social Media Engagement Factor. 

This year’s edition has expanded by 20%, offering 120 pages of information about the magazine media industry.  The Factbook contains facts and figures derived from third-party sources and the organization’s own research and data collection. 



Some of the key findings in this year’s Factbook include research supporting the belief that magazine media is the most trusted and influential of all media, with a singular ability to drive sales. 

Included research from the organization’s Social Media Engagement Factor also shows that magazine brands are more engaging across social-media platforms than non-magazine brands.

A selection of multimedia comparisons from Engagement Labs also reveals that magazine readers are top influencers across social media.

Advertising data from Signet Research shows that brands advertising in magazine effectively raise brand awareness and purchase intent. Pharma cases studies from Symphony Health and Meredith Corp. reveal magazine ads drive conversions to branded prescription drugs.  

Additionally, the Edelman Trust Barometer showed that trust in journalism is rebounding as trust in platforms declines. Research from Quad Graphics supporting this data showed consumers are motivated by featured samples and coupons from advertisers. 

MPA’s President-CEO Linda Thomas Brooks stated MPA was committed to ensuring “a safe environment for marketers" and noted the third-party research will "inform a year’s worth of conversations within our industry.”

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