
Old-School Transmission

BEGIN TRANSMISSION: .....attention all readers.....your normally scheduled geeked-out chatter concerning rich media will not be aired today...please stay tuned for the following special program...sponsored by (insert brand here).

Anyone picture an old-school TV or a radio while reading the above? Yes? Well how's that for a rich media execution!? I tapped into the unlimited k of your mind and created the ultimate branded experience...(please refrain all comments on how cheesy that just was).

Anyway, if you are looking for some insight about rich media, I'd like to defer to this link. While viewing, please replace all references to "webcast" or "webcasting" with the term "rich media." Also, please replace all references to "Accela" with the rich media company of your choice. Disclaimer: I am not promoting or endorsing this product at all (I've never even heard of them until now). that we have that covered, I'd like to use the rest of our time together to showcase some work that should bake your noodle:

Like this piece. It's one of the most unique midi control I've ever seen. A good 10 minutes of your life can be wasted there just messing with all the little controls. Doesn't this piece just cry out to be used as a Skittles promo? Any Mars or Nestle folks reading?

Here's one that's been a long-time favorite of mine. I believe this piece beats the pants off 99 percent of all rich media executions. Okay, so I's not really an ad....but what if it was?...beautiful.

And finally this piece. It's perfect for the likes of Virgin, Tower, Best Buy, Amazon etc. Created by one of the perennial gods of Web design, Yugo Nakamura, it takes any term you search for and pulls all related images from Amazon, creating a collage forming the term you just searched. Sound weird? Yeah it is, but most cool things are (like this Diesel Jeans site, which is the best commercial site I've seen in a long time...absolutely perfect).

So...we are now approaching the end of our little trip and I thank you for joining. If you are still reading at this point, you must be an enlightened soul and probably have something to say. If so, I encourage you to insert your comments here. The content seems a bit light and you are perfectly qualified to add more....via con dios y'all...END TRANSMISSION.

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