Valimail And Mimecast Team Up To Fight Phishing

Two email security firms — Valimail and Mimecast — are partnering to fight business email compromise and other types of phishing attacks.

The companies have different approaches to the problem. Combined, they provide a layered approach to stopping content-based and sender identity attacks, they claim.

Valimail’s Trust layer identifies, whitelist and authentic senders, blocking non-trusted senders.

Mimecast Targeted Threat Protection-Impersonation Protect analyzes multiple indicators of compromise to cut of impersonation attacks that target employees.

Combined, the systems provide defense against lookalike domains, open-signup attacks, exact-domain spoofing and malicious emails sent from compromised accounts, the firms say 

In announcing that Valimail is now an Alliance Partner of Mimecast, the firms cite FBI statistics showing that BEC attacks have caused more than $12.5 billion in losses over the last five years.

In addition, Mimecast has conducted research showing that from 18% to 60% of email impersonation attacks were not detected by security providers.

Both firms rely on cloud-based technology. Mimecast was founded in 2003, Valimail in 2015.


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