The news brief in Wednesday's
OnlineMediaDaily, "eStara Promotes With Free Click-To-Call Services," should have said that ThomasNet, a publisher that pays eStara to provide the click-to-call
technology, is offering the service free of charge to its advertisers as a value-added service.
Nov 3rd 2009
Please send this up to the administrative and or legal department offices. This is proof that I have sent in my complaint to the Federal Trade Commission for deceptive advertising and sales practices and fraud. I hope that you also received a copy of my first complaint to the BBB in NYC. My next BBB complaint is going to the PA office.
Unfortunately I have been forced to contact my attorney because my credit and future income has already been threatened by Thomasnet and he asked me to nicely advise you to contact your legal department to inform them that if Thomasnet does not quickly void our agreement due to deceptive sales practices and a handful of other deceptive means to get my business and money we will start legal action with damages against Thomasnet also known as Thomas Publications INC. Also national media press releases will also be sent out about this pending litigation.
We will then Subpoena the records for every customer that has and then we will separately subpoena every customer that is active in your collection department both internal and farmed out to other outside collection agencies to get their information. We will require all of their contact information including address's, phone numbers and fax numbers. I will also require complete contact information on your fired Sales Employee Ronald Adams in Pennsylvania including his address and phone numbers so we can subpoena him as well. I appreciate all of your help David but we will also need the same from you for our litigation if we are forced to act if the agreement is not voided soon.
Please reply that you have received this letter
Thank you and I will keep in touch,
Barry Cohen
Phone # 1-970-259-3998
Nov 4th 2009
To David Demey And to Whom This May Concern,
Dave I want this on the record that this morning I was harassed for the second time in a few days by your internal collection department by phone. They again threatened to ruin my credit if I did not pay them up front in full for Aprox $3000.00. Again when I tried to tell them that I am disputing this charge because of deceptive sales data and information they rudely told me that they could care less about the situation and threatened to ruin my credit if I did not pay them up front in full again!
NOTE: Even though I do not intend to pay Thomasnet because of said deceptive sales data and information provided to me to get me to go with the agreement that Ronald Adams the now fired Thomasnet sales representative that conducted this business with me told me at the time that payments could be made monthly and not all at once.
This fact verifies that your collection department is using Illegal strong arm tactic's with threats to extort money from me for services not rendered as promised by Ronald Adams your fired Thomasnet representative and for services not yet provided since it is only two months into the agreement. Again I am demanding that Thomasnet void this agreement and pull all of my listings from Thomasnet without cost to me due to the deceptive sales practices used to procure an agreement with me for advertising listing services not delivered as promised.
I am also demanding that all attempts for collection both internal from Thomasnet and from subcontractor collection agencies stop at once and no more harassing and threatening phone calls are made to my home or place of business. However I do welcome any phone call that involves information about doing the right thing in this situation which is voiding this Illegal agreement!
Please pass this up to your legal department and head administrators in Thomasnet to help remedy this situation.
Please confirm this letter by Return E-Mail
Contact # 1-970-259-3998