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Boys-only Email Service Attracts Advertisers, a boys-only e-mail service, sent its first paid e-mail to nearly 10,000 subscribers today. The company, which launched its site in late October, has gained a big following among young men in New York City, by deploying a business strategy in the same vein as DailyCandy, another e-mail service with over a million users targeting mostly women. In honor of Valentine's Day, Femmegems, a jewelry store, is Thrillist's first advertiser. It is the first of several advertisers, including American Apparel, that have bought space on the start-up email service, which targets men between the ages of 21 and 35. Thrillist sells two ads, an "allied info" paid-email that sells for $12,000 and banner ads appearing on the site's standard editorial emails that go for $1,200. The e-mails typically contain such useful information as a fake beer belly that helps the wearer sneak booze into sporting events, or info about services like, a Web site that sends flowers to readers' girlfriends at scheduled intervals.

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