
Singles Turn To QSRs As First-Date Destination

 Image above: Singles are "opting for a chicken sandwich over a chicken marsala,” according to DatingNews EIC.


Dating has been the bane of many a single person’s experience since Adam met Eve (and we know how that worked out). Yet, many of us still hold out hope of finding someone to share the rent their life with.

Yet that tiny glimmer of hope better not include wining and dining -- which at one time were considered the very foundation of a “good” date. But inflation has hit singles particularly hard, with 65% saying inflation has impacted their dating life, per a recent Lending Tree survey. Thus, the report continued, almost one in four (23%) are trying to spend less money on dates. (Lending Tree also found of 49% of those U.S. residents surveyed reported to be single, yet only 9% were actively seeking relationship, but that’s some data for an entirely different story).

So where do singles turn when looking for a place to potentially meet up with their new love? Or even just their next hook-up? Look no further than fast-food joints, which are the new meeting place for today’s singles.

According to a report published this week by, “many singles are choosing to forgo traditional dating constraints and choose instead a more casual affair.”  The site surveyed 3,000 Americans to discover just where they would take their date in lieu of “unaffordable restaurants.”

Chick-fil-A. Yep, the chicken chain giant is the top spot among those surveyed to take a date, with over 16% of respondents citing the QSR would be their choice for a first date meals. The report didn’t cite specific percentages of the runners up in the discount dating pool, but coming in second place was Dairy Queen, and third was a tie between Sonic Drive-In and Pizza Hut. 

“The old-school method of taking a new date out for dinner has been replaced by casual quick-service dates at coffee shops, bars, and even fast-food joints,” said DatingNews Editor-in-Chief Amber Brooks. “A first date is a risk, and, in this economy, modern singles are saving their time and money by opting for a chicken sandwich over a chicken marsala.”

And it isn’t just men opting for the less expensive fast-food date. The report found 66% of women would yes say to fast food dating, actually more than the 54% of men who said “yes” to a burger and fries. (56% of all respondents also said  they would be willing to split the bill with their date).

Yet one of the oldest first date meeting spots remains top of mind to those surveyed; 26% said meeting at a coffee shop was their first date preference. Apparently Starbucks’ high-priced drinks are still a more attractive fancy date alternative than a chicken sandwich.

1 comment about "Singles Turn To QSRs As First-Date Destination".
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  1. Marcelo Salup from Iffective LLC, December 6, 2024 at 9:44 a.m.

    shiiit, that's sad

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