Dow Jones has unveiled The WSJ Leadership Institute, an executive learning and leadership program for top-tier business leaders.
It is being led by Alan Murray, president of the Institute.
The project was initially announced last September as the Dow Jones Leadership Institute, but has since been rebranded as it has progressed.
A daily newsletter titled the WSJ CEO Brief will debut on Feb. 3, written by Murray. The Institute itself will launch early in 2026 and provide events and other resources for CEOs.
A private dinner was held for several dozen CEOs in New York on Tuesday night, featuring conversation and information sharing of the type that the Institute hopes to provide.
”Leading large organizations through this period of immense change and uncertainty is one of the greatest challenges our society faces,” says Murray. “The WSJ Leadership Institute will harness the unmatchable news, information and data resources of Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal to help leaders meet that challenge.”
Dow Jones is also starting Titans, an invitation-only subset of the WSJ CEO Council. It will be restricted to CEOs of public companies with $10 billion+ in annual revenue.