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Why E-mail Marketing Won't Die

Ever since the advent of RSS, a small faction of techies have been calling for the end of e-mail. No more spam. No more overaggressive filters, no more double opt-ins, just really simple syndication. Opt-in and out as you please. E-mail marketers have been chewing in this for almost two years now, yet nothing seems to have changed and nothing seems to be about to change, either. However, the practice of e-mail marketing continues to change almost daily; marketers have to adjust to ever-evolving best practices and ISP requirements--many times just to stay par for the course. Lyris manager Wendy Roth looks at some of the challenges facing e-mail marketers today, from AOL and Yahoo's recently announced pay to play initiative to ISP compliance, RSS, and spam. Here's what I say: e-mail authentication payments can largely be bypassed by adhering to best practices; RSS is never going to penetrate the mainstream because the average consumer doesn't want his Web experience to turn into an endless list of headlines; ISP compliance will continue to be something you need to budget for, and spam, well, I've had Gmail now for two years and I must say, I've never had a problem with spam. Nothing on the horizon is going to displace e-mail. Period.

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