Around the Net

Web Transforms Art Sales

  • Reuters, Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:01 AM
For art dealers, the Internet is becoming just another way to sell their clients' works. Renowned collector Charles Saatchi is launching a Web site specifically to house the works of art students. As art prices soar, collectors say they have less time to travel to galleries and shows to see new works. Similarly, painters and sculptors are having a hard time being seen in a fragmented and growing environment.

So the Web is the best place for many artists to get their works seen. Many also participate in social networks like MySpace, but Saatchi is hoping to attract student art through his new site, called STUART (for student art).

The student-only site has already attracted more than 2,000 art students, and is only accessible as a link from his main gallery address: The proprietor has promised not to buy any art from the site for a year because he wants it to become independent. For some students, the site is already working. Many report selling work quickly.

Collectors and museum curators said the Web is helpful for doing research, though not necessarily for buying online.

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