Ad Execs Say Staid Media Needs Innovation The AAF Media Investment Survey 2007 released by the American Advertising Federation (AAF), reveals a strong commitment
among executives to complement traditional media by allocating a portion of their budgets to new media properties and experimentation, as well as the belief that traditionally staid media categories
are in need of innovation if they are to remain competitive.
Within the magazine category, says the report, 46 percent of the executives surveyed say that business
magazines are most in need of a unique approach to shake things up. The remainder of the top five magazine categories needing renovation are:
Women's Service (25 percent)
- Fashion and Beauty (18.8 percent)
- Men's (17 percent)
- Shelter (12.5
The top three media categories other than magazines most in need of a novel approach are:
Newspapers (51.4 percent),
- Network television (34.5 percent)
- Radio (33.8 percent)
Additional findings of interest in the survey include:
- 87 percent of respondents believe that the pace and scope of
innovation in the media landscape inspires creativity
- 73 percent of respondents said that up to 20 percent of their budget is reserved for experimentation and
new media properties, while 12 percent of respondents list 21 to 40 percent of their budget as reserved for these items
- 78 percent of respondents agreed that
they are always open to new ways to use traditional media
- 75 percent agreed that the right media mix almost always includes a balance of traditional and
nontraditional media
- 58 percent feel that the search for new media properties to grow the brand never stops
to the executive responses, in 2006, the most surprising innovations in the media landscape were
- The rush to Second Life virtual community space
- The rise of YouTube
- The popularization of mash-ups or Web applications that have more than one source.
For access to the complete PowerPoint results summary, please visit AAF here.