
I'm Moving To Media...

No, really, this summer I'm moving to Media, Pa. The name is just a coincidence, but it got me thinking about what a major disruption/transition can do to your content appetite.

You end up having a major to-do list as you reshape your domicile, and for our businesses it's both a risk and opportunity in these areas:

1) Services -- do I go with cable, satellite or fiber optic? Do I need the premium package(s)?

2) Hardware -- do I have the right equipment? What do I upgrade?

3) Network -- do I use this as an opportunity to create a home entertainment network? Wireline or VoIP?

4) Content -- do I reorient my content schedule based on the post-move to-do list (go to a thinner, more need-to-have menu?) What below the line stays as I get back to new normalcy?

So as I build my experience from the ground up in my head and on paper, how different is it from my current situation? Pretty different for me, and I can't wait to get to Media.

What would you change if you could reshape yours?




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