Google Streams Roll On In comScore's Video Rankings

  • by June 6, 2007
Nearly a third of U.S. Internet users streamed video through YouTube and other Google sites in March, according to the latest comScore Video Metrix rankings. The Google sites accounted for 57.4 million unique "streamers," or 32.3% of all Web users. YouTube by itself had 53.5 million unique streamers.

Fox Interactive Media was second, with 47.4 million unique streamers (26.7% of all Web users), followed in the top 10 by Yahoo sites, Time Warner Network, Viacom Digital, Microsoft sites, Sony Online, Disney Online, ESPN and

While third in number of streamers, Yahoo sites was second in number of streams initiated by those users--at 434 million, or 6.2% of all video streams, behind Google sites' 1.2 billion streams (1.1 billion from YouTube), or 16.7%. In the top ten of this list, Roo Group placed seventh, and Sony Online didn't place.

In all, 71.4% of all U.S. Internet users (126.6 million unique users) streamed videos in March, accounting for 7 billion total streams initiated.

During the month, the average online video viewer streamed 55 separate videos, for an average of 145 total minutes.

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