Preteen Back-to-School Wishes Go Hi-Tech
According to a recent comparison shopping survey of 500 preteens conducted by Web site, preteens want more than paper, pencils and protractors for back-to-school supplies. 73 percent of kids between the ages of seven and 12 want to head back to school with their gaming systems in hand, and an equally strong 70 percent want a new computer.
69 percent of the kids surveyed say they strongly desire a cell phone to complete their back-to-school wares, even naming the new iPhone as one of their choices. 10-12 year olds who responded to the online survey listed cell phones and computers above their interests for a new backpack or book bag. shopping expert Eva Yusa, says "Wants and perceptions have changed dramatically...with the growing popularity of consumer electronics, children have different ideas about what is acceptable, and what are ‘must haves' for the back-to-school season... (But) boys and girls... at this age, have very different priorities when it comes to shopping. Boys typically look for entertainment, while girls are more interested in fashion and style."
88 percent of seven to 12-years-old girls preferred clothes or accessories as a specific back-to-school item, while 80 percent of seven to 12-yearold boys would rather have a gaming system.
Preteens also revealed a certain degree of brand loyalty, says the report, though slightly less than their older peers. Apple products ranked highly, as 83 percent of those who said they most wanted a musical device listed iPod by name, compared with 97 percent of 13 to17-years-old respondents to last year's survey. Of those children who most wanted a gaming system, 64 percent cited Nintendo Wii by name.
Though younger children are less focused on apparel brand names, they do care what adorns their backpacks, according to the survey. While 13-to-17-year-olds last year cited North Face and JanSport, among other brands, the younger students polled this year expressed their desire to have Spiderman, Transformers and Bratz decorating their schoolbag.
For more data from the ShopLocal 2007 Back-to-School survey, please visit ShopLocal here.