
Reader Comment of the Week

I don’t have a high-definition TV and I can tell you one is highly unlikely in the near future ($$). However, I think everyone has heard something about the hysteria growing in Hollywood about what stars look like 1080i. Thanks to a friend, I have been introduced to one of the funnier commentaries on the superficiality of the TV/movie industry.

Phil Swammi’s HDTV Reviews have been around for a while, and rate star’s “hotness” in high def. Shallow: yes. Relevant: more and more everyday. Once companies start cutting back prices, and people realize there really is a difference between HD and analog, consumers will flock to their local tech-stores in hoards. They’re starting already. Unfortunately, these reviews come a little too late to solve some of my early teenage angst… what I would have given to see a blemish on Britney Spear’s face 6-7 years ago…

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